Buttershaw – a localised approach pilot project
Local professionals supporting local victims.
Working with partners locally to support victims is an approach we believe works incredibly effectively. We have a pilot project running in Buttershaw and the plan is to extend this localised approach to other areas within our District.
We now have an independent domestic violence advisor (IDVA) dedicated to supporting victims in the Buttershaw area based in the Footprints organisation.
What can Buttershaw’s IDVA do?
The IDVA can support victims with things like:
- Helping victims to find accommodation if it is unsafe for them to stay in their own home
- If victims want to stay in their home, the IDVA can help with getting specialists in to secure the property so victims can feel safer
- They give emotional support and, if needed, they can find counselling or mental health services that are right for the individual
- If there are children involved, the IDVA will look at ways to make life feel better and safer for them too
- If needed, they can offer support to prepare victims if their case goes to court and they will go to court with the victim if they want them to
- They can also request special measures in court so the victim doesn’t have to face their abuser
Contact details
If you know of someone who might need support, please let them know that this service is available.
Either you or the victim can call 0808 802 6666; text: 07537 404 282 or email us at familyline@family-action.org.uk. Mon-Fri, 9am to 9pm and ask for the IDVA.
Free training available
We are also offering free training and a consultancy service to community organisations in Buttershaw who want to do more to support victims, but just don’t know how. We have a team of professionals who can:
- Give you training to understand what domestic abuse is; how to recognise the signs; ask in a way that doesn’t feel pushy or intrusive and how best to support victims
- Advise you on the best approach to support a victim who may need specialist support
- Signpost you to the many additional support services available for victims
We’re of the firm view that the more people and organisations we have trained to understand and help victims in the right way, the more victims we can support in Buttershaw.
If you are interested in becoming a partner, please, please email us at: Domestic.Abuse@bradford.gov.uk